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Where do lessons take place?

For all lessons, a location must be provided by you. Most people use a living room, or patio area. But local gyms or spaces are just fine. I just ask that there is no carpet as it makes it diffcult to dance on.

How long are Lessons?

Lessons are approximately an hour long. Longer lessons may be arranged. For most events or wedding I find that two hours is a better option in order to complete more in one sitting.

What do I wear?

You may wear any clothing comfortable to you. I would suggest wearing nothing too baggy as this may make  holding a dance frame difficult. As for shoes, any shoes that do not have rubber soles work great. If you have special event shoes, you may want to consider practicing in those.

What if I have no dance experience?

Everyone is different. If you have no experience we can work from the ground up. And if you do, we can go over what you do know and build from there.

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